Canine rocktape is another tool in the rehab physiotherapists toolbox.
Rocktape has a large amount of stretch, and a number of uses. Applying the tape in the same direction of the muscle fibres may be useful to give biofeedback to the muscle to improve muscle activation and proprioception after injury or surgery, or to correct muscle imbalance.
We have had some good results when applying the tape to dogs after cruciate or hip dysplasia surgery to encourage the activation of the caudal thigh muscles such as biceps femoris. The stretch of the tape can be utilised to help “lift” the skin and unload underlying structures. This can be useful to reduce pain, but can also be used to reduce oedema, particularly in the acute phase after surgery or injury.
A limitation to the success of application is the hair of the dog, and ideally dogs are shaved or have short hair, but we also use some spray to improve the adhesion of the tape to the skin.
If you think your pet could benefit from rocktape, please contact our physio team to discuss this type of therapy!